Confor Awards 2023: Top tips for a successful nomination

There are two easy ways to nominate a Member for the Confor Awards 2023: by using the online entry portal, or by submitting a completed form via email. The information you’re asked for is exactly the same either way, so we’ve put together some advice on filling out a winning entry.

Selecting a category

First, you need to tell us which award you are submitting a nomination for. On the digital form, this is a case of simply selecting the appropriate option from a list – you will automatically be taken to the appropriate page.

If downloading a form to send via email, please ensure you save the correct PDF or Word document to your device as the questions vary from category to category.

About your nominee

Regardless of which award you’re putting a Confor Member forward for, you will need to provide us with their name, organisation and, if applicable, job title (if nominating a business or organisation, this may be left blank).

We have also asked you to provide a photo of your nominee if possible. This can be a headshot from their company website or any other profile picture – it will be used for promotion in Forestry & Timber News and on the Confor website should your nominee be shortlisted.

Finally, you need to give us a brief summary (around 100 words) of why you are nominating this person or group. Think of this as the elevator pitch for your entry – it should touch on your relationship to the nominee, what they have done to impress you, and why they fit the bill for the category in question.

Category questions

The most important thing to bear in mind when filling out information on your nominee’s work and achievements is that our judges need to see evidence of success. The specific information they’re looking for in each category is:

  • Future Leader
    • How has this individual demonstrated initiative, passion and made a genuine positive difference to the UK forestry and wood sector?
    • What have they done to further develop their leadership skills - within their own organisation and beyond?
  • Changing Attitudes
    • Why does this individual/organisation stand out among their peers in terms of promoting greater awareness and understanding of the sector?
    • Are there particular misconceptions of the sector that this person has sought to challenge and how did they go about that?
  • Innovation & Research
    • How has this business or individual delivered innovation or research that has opened up new markets or clearly demonstrated greater efficiency, productivity and/or sustainability in the forestry and wood industry?
    • What lasting impact has their work had?
  • Net Zero
    • How has this business or individual made a specific and measurable contribution to the forestry and wood industry's efforts to deliver the UK' s net zero ambitions?

You will be prompted to provide examples, which may range from an anecdote about a particular scenario to measurable success in business objectives.

You will also have an opportunity at the end of the form to include links to external evidence of award-worthy work and qualities. For example, a report on your nominee’s research results, an article on their company website, or exemplary content on their social media channels.

About you

At the end of your nomination, you will be asked to provide your own contact details. This is so we can get in touch if any further information is required by our judges.

This information will not be shared with your nominee so you may remain anonymous to them if you so wish.

If you have any further questions about nominating a Confor Member or require assistance with your nomination, please do not hesitate to get in touch with