Forestry Work Manager Higher Technical Qualification: Consultation Events

18 April 2024

The Forestry Trailblazer Group which developed the Forest Craftsperson and Professional Forester apprenticeship standards is now developing an intermediate qualification for Forestry Works Managers (FWM).

This new qualification, which will be delivered on a modular basis to FWMs in the workplace, will be based on an occupational standard which will, when approved, provide a basis for a Higher Technical Qualification that should be eligible for Government funding.

Consultation Events

To ensure the content is suitable for the range of different forestry organisations that use FWMs, we are holding a series of face-to-face consultation events to introduce the draft occupational standard. While the Trailblazer Group’s remit is focussed on England, Welsh and Scottish colleagues are welcome to attend as the occupational standard should be equally applicable across the UK.

To find out more about this development and shape the content please sign up to attend an event near you.