Agri, environment and animal care T Level Draft Content - Consultation Open!

4 June 2020

T Levels are a crucial element of Government educational policy and are new two-year, technical study programmes that will be available across 11 industry routes. 

They will sit alongside apprenticeships (work based) and A levels (academic) as one of three types of learning available to students aged 16 – 19.  They will take 2 years, be at level 3 (A Level) difficulty and will train learners in technical skills needed by industry. 

The development of the Agriculture, Animal Care and Environment T Level has reached a huge milestone.  Consultation is now open and the draft content is available for feedback.  There are two consultations open.  

One open to everyone about the content that closes on 13th July  

And a second for training providers specifically about deliverability

Please respond directly - the draft content is quite long if you look at all of it, but the specialisms you are most likley to be interested in are as follows (content formatted in columns so there is less writing than you might think!):

  • Tree and woodland management and maintenance pages 165-198
  • Establish ornamental and environmental horticultural areas pages 122-164

If you are an employer and would like to attend a virtual consultation event please get in touch with Ros Burnley and she will put you on the list.